it's excellent amounts of iron, calcium and fiber defends the body against harmful free radicals.

it's excellent amounts of iron, calcium and fiber defends the body against harmful free radicals.

it has Positive effect on hearth disease due to the amount of good fatty acids.

it has Positive effect on hearth disease due to the amount of good fatty acids.

Contains high level of antioxidant and has the highest ORAC value among fruits.

Contains high level of antioxidant and has the highest ORAC value among fruits.

it contains amino acids which help promote muscle performance and energy production.

it contains amino acids which help promote muscle performance and energy production.

What we do

icon2We create smoothies and juices from pure organic acai berries and exotic fruits. Our cold-press juices contains no chemical additives.

icon1We produce fruit pulp made of pure 0rganic Acai berries. Our fruit pulp contains nothing but 100% Acai berries harvested in the amazone.

icon4We conduct sustainable business while delivering genuine & excellent quality Acai. Great taste is a standard obligation to our customers.

The Acai berries on the Acai palm.